Información general

País Switzerland

Ciudad Evionnaz

Área funcional Global Planning & Portfolio Management

Grupo profesional Chemical Warehouses

Tipo de empleo Contrato permanente

Número de horas por jornada laboral tiempo completo

Lo que hacemos en Evionnaz

Siegfried Evionnaz is a facility specialized in custom synthesis of active ingredients and intermediates for the pharmaceutical industry. The chemicals plant, built in 1957, employs around 350 people in a wide variety of fields, ranging from production, laboratories and logistics to quality assurance, administration and more.

Main activities

  • Development and production in strict compliance with quality standards (GMPs)
  • Ensuring perfect compliance with safety, health protection and environmental standards

Unique features

  • 6 GMP production units (315 m³) with reactors from 0.5 to 8 m³
  • 2 Pilot and Kilolab installations with reactors of up to 1,000 liters
  • Flexible, multi-product production lines
  • Broad portfolio of technologies: azide chemistry, organometallics, cryogenics, phosgenation and more.

Strategic impact

  • Facility highly specialized in niche technologies
  • Development capacity: from 1 gram to industrial quantities